F04B1-1 Bamboo flooring installation - General requirements
F04B1-2 Installation requirements
F04B1-3 Flooring installation methods and considerations
F04B1-4 Installation of bamboo flooring
F04B1-5 Installation of accessories
F04B1-6 Finishing of bamboo flooring
F04B1-7 Inspection and approval
F04B1-8 Protection
F04B1-9 Cleaning and maintenance
F04B1-2 Installation requirements
F04B1-3 Flooring installation methods and considerations
F04B1-4 Installation of bamboo flooring
F04B1-5 Installation of accessories
F04B1-6 Finishing of bamboo flooring
F04B1-7 Inspection and approval
F04B1-8 Protection
F04B1-9 Cleaning and maintenance
This reference guide covers the installation of bamboo flooring and related materials. Individuals using this guide should verify all facts relative to the particular project requirements.
.01 General:
.02 Tools and Installation Materials:
.03 Acceptable Substrates and Conditions:
This reference guide covers the installation of bamboo flooring and related materials. Individuals using this guide should verify all facts relative to the particular project requirements.
.01 General:
- The installation of bamboo flooring shall be governed by the scope of work (including work included and excluded) as noted in Part F04A - Installation Guide - Scope of Work unless otherwise defined by trade agreements within the area of jurisdiction of the work.
- The materials, equipment, and services required to supply and install bamboo flooring shall be governed by the requirements noted in F03C1 - Material Guide (Bamboo Flooring).
- Regardless of the installation method chosen, proper preparation, and the use of skilled installers is necessary for a satisfactory finished appearance and the performance of bamboo flooring and related accessories.
- Most bamboo floor covering contractors employ highly skilled installers who recognize the importance of following proper procedures to assure both the best appearance and the best performance of the finished installation. This means careful attention must be given to the proper preparation of substrates, a properly planned installation layout to assure colour and pattern match, pre-conditioning of flooring materials, and finally the use of correct installation procedures and techniques. The bamboo flooring manufacturer's recommended installation procedures must be followed or the manufacturer may reserve the right to withhold any guarantee.
- Part of any installation is the correct choice of appropriate materials to suit both the project design requirements and actual conditions.
- Prior to installation, the bamboo flooring manufacturer and the adhesive manufacturer (when applicable) must be consulted in regard to the suitability of and recommendations for their materials and method of installations. Only methods and materials specifically designed for the material and installation method selected shall be used.
.02 Tools and Installation Materials:
- All bamboo flooring and related accessories shall be installed using tools and materials recommended by the material manufacturers and as referenced in this standard.
- Proper tools and use of appropriate materials are essential for skilled and proficient bamboo flooring installation. Refer to Part DD1C - Glossary (Hardwood Tools) for appropriate tools.
- All required tools should be on the job site during the complete duration of installation work to assure a uniform and correct installation.
.03 Acceptable Substrates and Conditions:
- Refer to Part A10 - Acceptable Conditions, for acceptable substrate types and environmental conditions for the installation of bamboo flooring materials.
- Unless otherwise specified or agreed to prior to Bidding or installation, the General Contractor or Owner is responsible for providing acceptable substrates and site conditions for the installation of bamboo flooring and related materials.
- The type, location, condition, and preparation of new and existing substrate surfaces shall be in accordance with the bamboo flooring material manufacturer's recommendations and the installation conditions that apply.
- All concrete substrate surfaces shall be tested for moisture and alkalinity in accordance with floor covering material manufacturer's recommendations and NFCA requirements as noted in Part A11 - Substrate Testing. All other substrate surfaces shall be tested for moisture in accordance with these same requirements.
- All site conditions, installation requirements, and timetable for work shall be reviewed. Substrates, environmental conditions, and work by other trades shall be acceptable prior to commencing any installation of bamboo flooring and to ensure that the schedule for installing such materials can be maintained.
- Any substrate / surface materials, including adhesives, that are detrimental to bamboo flooring installation shall be removed and disposed of in a legal manner or recycled where possible, or where permitted, be covered by an acceptable underlayment.
- All substrate surfaces to receive bamboo flooring shall be structurally sound and be clean, dry, and smooth (i.e., be free of moisture, dirt, dust, soil, existing adhesive, paint, varnish, oils, grease, waxes, sealers and curing and hardening compounds, and any other substances detrimental to fillers and adhesives and that may cause localized or widespread failure bond failure). All surfaces shall be vacuumed clean.
- Special Note: The use of any cleaning agents, such as sweeping and cleaning compounds, shall be pre-approved by the adhesive and bamboo flooring manufacturers before use as some of these products are detrimental to adhesive bonding or may have a detrimental affect on the flooring after installation.
- All cracks and protrusions shall be filled or levelled and all indentations and joints must be properly patched or repaired.
- Where used, patching compounds must be polymer-fortified, suitable for the intended application, and be applied in strict accordance with the patching material manufacturer's instructions and requirements noted in Part A13 - Patching and Filling.
- If required by the patch or adhesive manufacturer, patched areas shall be primed, particularly if they are porous and highly absorbent, which may prevent adequate adhesive bond.
- Substrate surfaces shall be sealed and/or primed if required by the adhesive and bamboo flooring manufacturer using materials and methods acceptable to them.
- All defects likely to impair finished work shall be reported to the General Contractor, Consultant, and Owner in writing. Bamboo flooring installation work shall not proceed until all deficiencies and unsatisfactory site and environmental conditions have been corrected.
- Installing bamboo flooring prematurely before other trades have completed their work or in the presence of personnel not essential to the installation of bamboo flooring often results in visible damage, soiling, adhesive failure, delamination, and dimensional instability. These conditions may not be immediately evident. Unless otherwise permitted, the installation of bamboo flooring should not begin until the work of all other trades has been completed and the area is cleared of all obstacles, movable objects etc., and on-site worker traffic.
.04 Planning, Layout, and Shop Drawings:- All facets of bamboo flooring installation shall be carefully coordinated before ordering materials.
- To aid in the estimation / Bidding and ordering / installation of bamboo flooring materials, correct measurements, and detailed diagrams may be necessary.
- In large scale installations, scaled drawings should be prepared using actual site measurements for both new construction or existing areas in order to determine quantities and types of materials to be installed including bamboo flooring, adhesive, mouldings and other accessories, and to identify proper location of seams.
- The following shall also be considered:
- Pattern direction of bamboo plank and tile in each area.
Quantities of bamboo plank and tile flooring needed for each area.
- Pattern direction of bamboo plank and tile in each area.
- For large commercial and complex projects, the bamboo flooring supplier / contractor shall provide material ordering / shop drawings to the design authority or Owner for pre-approval (in accordance with specification submittal requirements where applicable). Shop (installation layout) drawings shall be prepared for each floor area to receive bamboo flooring with each area measured individually.
- Do not scale the design authority's drawings or calculate sizes from drawing dimensions shown. All measurements must be taken at the site.
- Shop drawings, when required, shall contain the following information:
- Date of drawing and scale.
- Room and floor numbers (based on drawing information and Finish Schedules provided by the design authority when applicable).
- Type and colour / pattern of bamboo plank and/or tile flooring required for each area and any notations where pattern direction changes will occur.
- Location and type of all edge mouldings, door termination details, and type and details of base in each area.
- Party responsible for removing furniture and oversize items in existing areas.
- Party responsible for removing and disposal of existing floor covering materials in existing areas.
- Type of substrate, floor preparation required, and installation method for each area.
- Party responsible for preparation of substrate if beyond scope of work requirements. This may include removal of existing materials and slab preparation, underlayments, etc.
- Name and address of the project (building) and name, address, and phone, facsimile, and email numbers of the Owner.
- Name, address, and phone, facsimile, and email numbers of the bamboo flooring supplier and installation company.
- In new or renovation construction, the name, address, and phone, facsimile, and email numbers of the General Contractor or Project Manager and design authority (e.g. architectural or interior design firm).
.05 Storage, Handling, and Delivery:- Most bamboo flooring manufacturers have high manufacturing standards and stringent inspection procedures for their finished products. Nevertheless, all bamboo flooring should be inspected upon delivery and before installation and if any suspected irregularities are noted that might give rise to undesirable visual effects, installation should not proceed until the manufacturer has inspected the bamboo flooring and an agreed upon course of action has been established.
- Bamboo flooring materials shall be packaged by the manufacturer with the type, colour and finish of flooring units and other pertinent information clearly marked on each carton and delivered directly to work areas when required.
- All other materials (e.g. adhesives, accessories, etc.) shall be in wrapped / sealed original labelled and unopened containers and stored on flat.
- Bamboo flooring and related installation materials shall be stored, handled, and delivered in strict accordance with material manufacturer's requirements and in a manner to prevent damage or distortion to the materials and surrounding surfaces.
- All materials shall be stored in the shop and on site in a secure, climate-controlled, dry space within manufacturer's written temperature and humidity requirements, and adequately protected from dirt, dust, moisture, and other contaminants.
.06 Conditioning:- All bamboo flooring, adhesive, and related materials shall be conditioned or acclimatized within the area of installation and be adequately protected from soil, dust, moisture, and other contaminants during this time. Where possible the conditioning period shall be for at least 48 hours before installation, or as a minimum at least until the materials reach the installation area temperature and humidity levels.
- Failure to acclimatize bamboo flooring may result in:
- Dimensional changes.
- Lack of adhesion.
- The area in which bamboo flooring materials are to be installed must also be heated and ventilated and the ambient and substrate temperatures and humidity levels must be within the flooring and adhesive manufacturers requirements. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturers the ambient temperature shall be between 18°C to 35°C (65°F to 95°F) and the relative humidity shall be between 10% and 65%. Unless otherwise approved by the manufacturers the minimum substrate (notably concrete) temperature shall be not less than 10°C (50°F).
- Note: If the temperature and humidity levels are outside these parameters, the installation must not begin until the heating and ventilation system (and air conditioning system if an option) is operational and the temperature and humidity level reaches the minimum manufacturers and NFCA requirements and is maintained for a minimum of 48 hours before, during, and at least 48 hours after the installation.
- From the time bamboo flooring is delivered and until occupancy, temperature and humidity levels must be maintained at or near occupancy levels. After occupancy the environmental conditions must be controlled so as to maintain the heat and humidity levels at a constant level within the ranges noted. Extended times (more than 1 month) without HVAC controls can promote elevated moisture conditions that can adversely affect bamboo flooring.
- Installed bamboo flooring shall also be protected from excessive heat. Flooring installed over a heating plant or un-insulated heating ducts may develop cracks unless protection from the heat is provided. A double layer of 15 lb., or a single layer of 30 lb. asphalt felt/building paper, or 13 mm (1/2") standard insulation board between joists under the sub-flooring in these areas is recommended. Over a heating plant the insulation used should be non-flammable.
.01 Moisture Control and Testing:
.02 Substrate Levels:
.03 Acceptable Substrate Surfaces:
.01 Moisture Control and Testing:
- When bamboo flooring will be installed on concrete slabs on grade or over unheated and unventilated spaces where there is danger of dampness and condensation.
- New concrete has moisture content, which may be detrimental to bamboo flooring. Proper on-grade slab construction requires a free draining support layer (e.g., compacted granular fill) and a vapour retarder between the fill and the slab as noted below. While this prevents moisture entry through the slab, this membrane also retards curing of the concrete.
- To be absolutely certain moisture does not reach bamboo flooring installed over concrete substrates on or below grade, a vapour retarder membrane must be used. Where this is placed will depend on the type of system used.
- For on-grade concrete slab construction, a 0.15 mm (6 mil) polyethylene or other membrane waterproofing should be applied over the compacted granular fill (as noted above) and directly under the slab. This membrane is usually provided by the General Contactor. In addition adequate drain tile should be provided adjacent to the footings, and in colder areas perimeter insulation is highly recommended to prevent freezing / thawing of the fill and slab and cold transfer.
- Supplementing the vapour barrier below the slab, a water impervious underlayment with taped joints should be used. This shall be provided by bamboo flooring Contractor.
- To be absolutely certain moisture does not reach bamboo flooring installed over concrete substrates on or below grade, a vapour retarder membrane must be used. Where this is placed will depend on the type of system used.
- A suspended concrete slab with a controlled environment below does not require a surface vapour retarder.
- A suspended slab over exposed earth or an uncontrolled environment below requires a proper vapour retarder over the slab surface. In this case cross ventilation below the slab is essential, and, if over exposed earth, a 1.5 mm (6 mil) polyethylene ground covering should be provided.
- It is important to note that the appearance of any new or existing concrete slab can be deceiving and it is never safe to assume that it is dry. Accordingly all new and existing on grade or suspended concrete substrates shall be tested by an independent testing agency for moisture content and alkalinity levels in accordance with the requirements of NFCA Reference Manual - Part A11 - Substrate Testing. The testing methods employed must be acceptable to the flooring manufacturer before testing. Such testing must be conducted in several areas of each area or room. Test results must show acceptable conditions before commencement of any bamboo flooring installation. This testing shall be conducted by the General Contractor in a timely manner before flooring installation in accordance with the requirements of Part Part A11 - Substrate Testing.
- In new construction, materials used (especially wood framing materials) may have a high moisture content that invariably leads to excessive relative humidity levels in interior areas. Signs indicative of this are water and condensation on wall surfaces, glazing and window frames, etc. Frequently, signs along the lower-edge rebates of door and window frames point to the fact that condensation occurs sporadically at certain times of the day or night, depending on ventilation times and patterns. If these or similar situations are encountered, efforts should be made to induce room air-drying through forced dry air heating and ventilation.
- Where moisture tests have been conducted and documented and shown acceptable conditions at the time of application, subsequent failure of a bamboo flooring installation due to the presence of moisture or failure of membrane waterproofing or dampproofing will not be the responsibility of the bamboo flooring Contractor. Repairs to the bamboo flooring as a result of such moisture problems, will be the responsibility of the General Contractor (or Owner).
.02 Substrate Levels:
- Unless otherwise pre-approved by the bamboo flooring manufacturer, a substrate surface shall be a maximum of 4.5 mm in 3000 mm (3/16" in 120") for slabs on grade and 3 mm in 3000 mm (1/8") in 120") for suspended / supported floors of all types (concrete, wood, etc.).
- Where used, patching compounds must be polymer-fortified, suitable for the intended application, and be applied in strict accordance with the patching material manufacturer's instructions and NFCA requirements noted in Part A13. If required by the bamboo flooring manufacturer (or adhesive manufacturer where bamboo flooring is glued down) the patched areas shall be primed and/or sealed, particularly if they are porous and highly alkaline.
- Where level discrepancies are too large, i.e. where the thickness of patching and filling compounds required exceeds NFCA tolerances, such surfaces must be corrected by others using a self-levelling cementitious underlayment in accordance with requirements of Part A13 - Patching and Filling.
.03 Acceptable Substrate Surfaces:
- All suitable substrates must be dry, sound, and be free of grease, oils, stains, and dust. Refer to NFCA Reference Manual Part A10 - Acceptable Conditions.
- All substrates must be structurally sound so as to not compromise the flooring installation. Unless otherwise agreed to prior to commencing work all structural deficiencies must be corrected by others before any flooring is installed. Cracks, hairline fractures, and damaged areas shall also be properly repaired.
- Concrete Substrates: Bamboo flooring can be installed successfully on suspended and above grade concrete slabs subject to manufacturers requirements and pre-approval. Such surfaces must have a smooth trowel finish that is level within noted tolerances and vapour pressure does not exceed 15 g per m² (3 lbs per 1,000 ft²) in 24 hours. Any high spots should be ground smooth and low spots filled and slab swept clean. Unless otherwise approved by the manufacturer, bamboo flooring is not recommended over concrete slabs-on-grade or below grade slabs unless measures are taken to ensure slab moisture emission limits are controlled.
- Wood Substrates: Bamboo flooring can be adhered or mechanically fastened over wood substrates that conform to flooring manufacturer's recommendations and NFCA minimum requirements. Such flooring substrates must utilize either plywood or other suitable subfloor sheathing over wood joists that are sized and spaced to meet floor load requirements and with sheathing panel face grain laid at right angles to joists and fastened using appropriately spaced fasteners. Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, the minimum thickness of subfloor sheathing shall be 19 mm (3/4") for joists at 600 mm (24") o.c. and 16 mm (5/8") for joists at 400 mm (16") o.c. or less. Any loose areas should be re-nailed and the subfloor swept clean.
- This flooring structure must either be heated from below, be insulated below, or have outside cross ventilation through vents or other openings in the foundation walls with no dead air areas provided. Over a crawl space, a ground cover of 0.15 mm (6 mil) polyethylene film or concrete skim coat shall be provided as a moisture barrier. These measures are required to ensure that particle board, fibre board, or other wooden subfloors substrates are permanently dry at all times in order to guarantee the equilibrium moisture content of the substrate and bamboo flooring remains balanced throughout all four seasons.
- Existing Floor Finishes: Bamboo flooring may be installed over existing hardwood and resilient sheet or tile flooring subject to the pre-approval of the bamboo flooring manufacturer. In each case the substrate must be structurally stiff enough and meet the bamboo flooring manufacturer and NFCA minimum preparation requirements. Unless otherwise pre-approved all other flooring types including ceramic tile and carpet flooring and cushion must be removed. Bamboo plank flooring installed over hardwood flooring should be installed at right angles to hardwood flooring where possible.
- Thresholds should be removed to allow new flooring to run flush through doorways. Existing doors and baseboards should be removed. Any raised nails must be driven down, loose and warped boards replaced, and floor surfaces swept clean without use of water.
- All defects likely to impair flooring work shall be reported to the General Contractor, Consultant, and Owner in writing. Bamboo flooring installation shall not proceed until all deficiencies and unsatisfactory environmental and site conditions have been corrected.
.04 Bamboo Flooring Over Radiant In-Floor Heating:- There are a variety of radiant in-floor heating systems. Some of these include heating elements (hot water piping) installed within the concrete slab or concrete topping, or on the underside of wood subflooring, and an electric flat wire mat installed below a thin concrete topping. Some systems are not suitable for the installation of bamboo flooring. In all cases the radiant heating system used must be acceptable to the bamboo flooring manufacturer.
- Note: Radiant heating installed over particle board subfloors is not recommended by radiant heat companies as this material may expand if the heating system ever leaks.
- In all cases where bamboo flooring is to be installed over an in-floor radiant heating system acceptable to the flooring manufacturer the following precautions must be adhered to:
- The slab must be tested for moisture and confirmed as being dry.
- The radiant heat system should be running at 20°C (68°F) for two weeks (or at least 5 days) prior to delivery of bamboo flooring to the site to drive moisture out of the slab and to acclimatize the area. The system should remain on throughout the installation of bamboo flooring and the temperature should be maintained during and for at least three days after the installation of flooring.
- Thermostat controls must be fully operational to avoid overheating the floor.
- If the heating system is not operational or the heat has to be turned off or back on this must be done gradually at 5°C increments at a time so as to avoid unnecessarily shocking the floor with sudden heat loss or gain, particularly with glued joint flooring. Note: The flooring manufacturer must be consulted to determine if the heat needs to be turned off within the slab and flooring needs to be installed on cool slab.
- Do not install bamboo flooring in direct contact with radiant heating elements or coils or over green concrete or wet subfloor sheathing. A radiant heat source directly beneath bamboo flooring may cause rapid moisture gain or loss.
- Precautions must be taken to ensure that the cavity below the subfloor is well aerated and permanently dry at all times in order to guarantee that the equilibrium moisture content of the concrete or particle board, fibre board or wooden subfloor remains balanced throughout all four seasons.
- The following factors may affect bamboo flooring after installation:
- The heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) system should have a mechanical humidity control. This will monitor the room and keep the relative humidity at an even level, which will keep the equilibrium moisture content of bamboo flooring stable.
- Radiant heating water temperature must be controlled to keep it to a maximum of 52°C (125°F). This will limit the temperature of the slab surface to about 29°C (85°F).
- Bamboo flooring may show gaps during heating season
- Weight on a floating floor.
- Excessive weight can result in restriction of movement within a floating floor system. This can cause separation of planks (gaps) and squeaks / creaks to develop as the joints of the flooring become under pressure. Floating floors should be scheduled for installation after millwork, cabinetry, kitchen islands, built in bookshelves etc., are in place. Cabinet boxes and structure should be installed so their weight is transferred to the subfloor not the floor covering. Kicks, gable ends and other finishing details can be installed after the floor covering to cover termination points and any necessary expansion gaps.
- Expansion gaps must be honoured at all termination points to millwork or rigid vertical obstructions.
- Baseboards should be installed without downward pressure on a floating floor system to avoid restriction of naturally occurring lateral movement. A 1mm to 2mm space between the bottom of the baseboard and the top surface of the flooring is recommended. This space can then be filled / caulked at time of painting as necessary.
- Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for product weight tolerance when available.
- Installation of a floating floor system should be in strict accordance with the manufacturers installation guidelines.
.01 There are a variety of methods used to install bamboo flooring over substrates approved by the manufacturer. Contact the flooring manufacturer / supplier for particular methods and products. Some of these include:
.01 There are a variety of methods used to install bamboo flooring over substrates approved by the manufacturer. Contact the flooring manufacturer / supplier for particular methods and products. Some of these include:
- Adhered Bamboo Flooring: This installation method uses a full adhesive spread.
- Mechanically Fastened Bamboo Flooring: This installation method uses nails or staples concealed in tongue and groove joints.
- Floating Bamboo Flooring: This installation method uses flooring units that are "mechanically" locked together using tongue and grooves that have an interlocking configuration or are glue locked together with glue applied to the tongue and grooves of each unit (in some instances manufacturers also recommend gluing end joints of planks as well). Some glued systems require clamping the planks together until the glue sets. (Note this type of flooring is not glued to the substrate).
- Contact the bamboo flooring manufacturer for details o recommended types, locations, and conditions of subfloors and areas.
- Lightweight and/or cellular concrete subfloors (less than 1600 kg/m²) as well as gypsum-based toppings are not suitable for the application of bamboo flooring unless otherwise pre-approved by the flooring manufacturer. Such subfloors must be topped with a minimum of 25 mm (1") of standard concrete or with an industry approved Portland cement base mastic underlayment mixed and applied as directed by the product manufacturer.
.01 Depending on type, bamboo flooring may be installed either glued to the substrate or installed as a floating floor without the use of fasteners or adhesive on top of substrate. The latter may require a separate underlayment under the flooring to allow it to move freely.
.02 General Requirements:
.03 Bamboo Plank Installation:
.04 Bamboo Parquet Tile Installation:
.01 Depending on type, bamboo flooring may be installed either glued to the substrate or installed as a floating floor without the use of fasteners or adhesive on top of substrate. The latter may require a separate underlayment under the flooring to allow it to move freely.
.02 General Requirements:
- The following recommendations are intended as a general guide. On request, manufacturers will make available detailed product and installation recommendations for their tiles and planks.
- Installation of bamboo flooring must be performed by qualified installers fully familiar with all aspects of this installation and installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and NFCA minimum requirements.
- All materials shall be conditioned as noted herein.
- Adhesives and fasteners used for installations shall be of the type recommended by the flooring manufacturer.
- Adhesive shall be uniformly applied using a notched trowel and an application rate as recommended by the tile and adhesive manufacturer. Adhesive open time and all safety measures regarding ventilation, open flames and other precautionary requirements noted on the container label shall be observed. For detailed information follow instructions on container label regarding adhesive application, open time etc. and MSD requirements.
- Bamboo flooring manufacturer's provide trims and mouldings that either match or compliment bamboo flooring.
- Prior to installation and after conditioning, mix tiles and planks from various cartons to mix natural variations in colour.
.03 Bamboo Plank Installation:
- The method of connecting bamboo vertical and horizontal grain and strand plank-to-plank is subject to the manufacturers specific instructions. This also includes the sequence of installation. The Design Authority should consult the bamboo flooring manufacturer or supplier for such information.
- Direction of Flooring: For best appearance, plank flooring should be laid in the direction of the longest dimension of the room or area and where possible across or at right angles to joists. Ideally planks should also be parallel to incoming sunlight. As the direction of installation can have a significant influence on the perceived size and perspective of a room it is sound practice to determine the direction together with the client or tenant.
- The most common layout of plank flooring is with edges of units square with the walls of the room. Another way is a diagonal pattern, with lines at a 45° angle to walls. Other special patterns and layouts may be used. In all cases, walls should not be used as working lines for laying flooring. All layouts must use room centre lines.
- Bamboo planks must be installed based on centre lines of the room or area and to ensure a minimum half plank at walls. Installation can start from the centre of the room working outwards towards perimeter walls or can start at the wall working outwards towards the centre. In all cases the alignment of the walls must be verified before commencing work to ensure they are square to one another.
- The location and straight alignment of the first course of plank flooring is important. The first or starter plank is laid with the groove side to the wall followed by the rest of the flooring with each adjacent board fitted tightly to the next. Each plank must be carefully aligned with adjacent planks. Small variations in plank size must be accommodated during installation to maintain a square installation. A "creeping" pattern cannot be corrected after it develops.
- Bamboo flooring planks can be installed in a regular or an irregular pattern. Care should be taken to ensure that the minimum staggered overlap or offset is 200 mm (8"). Joints should align and be tight.
- Random length planks (minimum of 16") should be used to ensure a more natural look with cut pieces from the end of each row as starting planks for the next. End joints should be staggered a minimum of 300 mm (12") so as not to show a repeating pattern.
- Planks shall be cut to fit all walls and a minimum expansion space of 6 to 10 mm (1/4" to 3/8") must be provided at all vertical interfaces (walls, etc.).
- Depending on manufacturers requirements, apply a bead of glue evenly to the groove along the full length and width of each panel. Panels shall be fitted by hand and adjusted by using a piece of wood and a hammer or mallet. Never hammer directly on the panel.
- Remove excess glue residue from the surface of bamboo flooring after installation using methods and materials recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturer.
- Do not allow foot traffic for 24 hours and avoid heavy loads and rolling stock on newly installed flooring for at least 5 days and until adhesive has fully set.
.04 Bamboo Parquet Tile Installation:
- Bamboo parquet tile may be square or tongue and groove edged and the method of connecting tiles-to-tiles is subject to the manufacturers specific instructions. This also includes the sequence of installation. The Design Authority should consult the bamboo tile flooring manufacturer or supplier for such information.
- Bamboo tile shall be installed starting in the centre of the room and working outwards towards perimeter walls. Other acceptable commercial practices can be substituted as the starting point to provide a border width equal to at least half a tile.
- Bamboo tile shall be installed with joints straight, in true plane, and symmetrical. Adjacent tile joints may be aligned or offset (i.e. staggered) a half tile width. Alternately install tile in a chequer board pattern with tile pattern direction at right angles to adjacent tile. Patterns shall be pre-approved by Consultant / Owner.
- Border tiles shall be scribed to vertical surfaces, cut and fitted into place after the field tile has been laid and before the wall base has been installed. Roll floor as each section is installed, and again when entire room is complete to ensure uniform adhesion. Tiles must be installed continuous through doorways and other openings for a uniform appearance.
- Tiles should be carefully rolled a minimum of four times in each direction with a roller of a size and weight as recommended by the flooring manufacturer to ensure full adhesion of tile to the substrate.
- Remove excess glue residue from the surface of bamboo flooring after installation using methods and materials recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturer.
- Do not allow foot traffic for 24 hours and avoid heavy loads and rolling stock on newly installed flooring for at least 5 days and until adhesive has fully set.
.01 Install accessories in strict accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations for type of accessory, flooring, and substrate.
.02 Install protective edgings / reducer strips against all exposed edges of flooring.
.03 Ensure accessories are installed in a straight line (except where edges may be curved) and that joints are tight, and the trim is securely bonded to or secured through the flooring surface.
.04 Install appropriate wall base to cover perimeter expansion voids.
.01 Install accessories in strict accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations for type of accessory, flooring, and substrate.
.02 Install protective edgings / reducer strips against all exposed edges of flooring.
.03 Ensure accessories are installed in a straight line (except where edges may be curved) and that joints are tight, and the trim is securely bonded to or secured through the flooring surface.
.04 Install appropriate wall base to cover perimeter expansion voids.
.01 Bamboo flooring is either pre-finished or may be site finished.
.02 When bamboo flooring is site finished, installed flooring shall be cleaned prior to finishing in accordance with manufacturer's requirements.
.03 Site finish bamboo flooring only after it has been installed and is in place for at least seven (7) days to allow adhesive to set with building temperature and relative humidity and moisture content of flooring maintained within installation parameters before commencing finishing operations.
.04 Prepare installed bamboo flooring for finishing in accordance with manufacturers requirements. Where required lightly sand and remove indentations, grease, oil and other defects using multiple grits of sandpaper, scraping, and even sponging and then sanding, including filling prior to third sanding. Perform final sanding or buffing depending on type of finish.
.05 Vacuum clean and carry out final review to ensure surfaces contain no glue, marks, oil, or uneven sanding.
.06 When a stain finish is required, apply stain in accordance with stain manufacturer's instructions to match pre-approved sample of stained finish.
.07 Apply sealer / finish coats to bamboo flooring using method and application rate in strict accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations to achieve a [matte / satin] [semi-gloss] [gloss] finish to match pre-approved sample of finished flooring. Unless otherwise noted apply not less than three coats of finish.
.08 Where required by finish, buff, sand, and vacuum flooring after each application of finish in strict accordance with finish manufacturer's recommendations.
.09 Site finish wood mouldings (base, base shoe, quarter round, reducer strips, etc.) to match finished flooring.
.01 Bamboo flooring is either pre-finished or may be site finished.
.02 When bamboo flooring is site finished, installed flooring shall be cleaned prior to finishing in accordance with manufacturer's requirements.
.03 Site finish bamboo flooring only after it has been installed and is in place for at least seven (7) days to allow adhesive to set with building temperature and relative humidity and moisture content of flooring maintained within installation parameters before commencing finishing operations.
.04 Prepare installed bamboo flooring for finishing in accordance with manufacturers requirements. Where required lightly sand and remove indentations, grease, oil and other defects using multiple grits of sandpaper, scraping, and even sponging and then sanding, including filling prior to third sanding. Perform final sanding or buffing depending on type of finish.
.05 Vacuum clean and carry out final review to ensure surfaces contain no glue, marks, oil, or uneven sanding.
.06 When a stain finish is required, apply stain in accordance with stain manufacturer's instructions to match pre-approved sample of stained finish.
.07 Apply sealer / finish coats to bamboo flooring using method and application rate in strict accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations to achieve a [matte / satin] [semi-gloss] [gloss] finish to match pre-approved sample of finished flooring. Unless otherwise noted apply not less than three coats of finish.
.08 Where required by finish, buff, sand, and vacuum flooring after each application of finish in strict accordance with finish manufacturer's recommendations.
.09 Site finish wood mouldings (base, base shoe, quarter round, reducer strips, etc.) to match finished flooring.
.01 After installation, the floor surface should be carefully inspected and cleaned, in particular with a view to removing any glue residue when adhesive is used.
.02 In the event that installation work is performed on behalf of an Owner, it is important that the finished floor is reviewed in the presence of the Owner and that a report form is completed and signed.
.03 At the same time, the Owner should be handed a copy of the cleaning and maintenance instructions for the flooring installed. A note to this effect should be made on the report form.
.01 After installation, the floor surface should be carefully inspected and cleaned, in particular with a view to removing any glue residue when adhesive is used.
.02 In the event that installation work is performed on behalf of an Owner, it is important that the finished floor is reviewed in the presence of the Owner and that a report form is completed and signed.
.03 At the same time, the Owner should be handed a copy of the cleaning and maintenance instructions for the flooring installed. A note to this effect should be made on the report form.
.01 Where bamboo flooring is not pre-finished, it shall be finished, after installation and before it is exposed to any traffic, with finish materials and methods as recommended by the flooring manufacturer.
.02 Installed flooring shall be protected with heavy Kraft-paper or other suitable covering. Do not use non-breathable sheet or film that could cause condensation to form. Maintain covering throughout remainder of construction period.
.03 For heavy loads, areas where deliveries will be made and areas where construction work will continue, stronger protection as recommended by the manufacturer shall be used to prevent compression, dragging and scratch related damage.
.04 The overall responsibility for the protection of bamboo flooring, from completion of flooring work until the Owner's take-over, is the responsibility of the General Contractor. The flooring contractor will not be able to control the work or actions of on-site working persons, or the actions of persons causing damage from setting-up or delivering equipment, furniture, or other items etc. to the site.
.01 Where bamboo flooring is not pre-finished, it shall be finished, after installation and before it is exposed to any traffic, with finish materials and methods as recommended by the flooring manufacturer.
.02 Installed flooring shall be protected with heavy Kraft-paper or other suitable covering. Do not use non-breathable sheet or film that could cause condensation to form. Maintain covering throughout remainder of construction period.
.03 For heavy loads, areas where deliveries will be made and areas where construction work will continue, stronger protection as recommended by the manufacturer shall be used to prevent compression, dragging and scratch related damage.
.04 The overall responsibility for the protection of bamboo flooring, from completion of flooring work until the Owner's take-over, is the responsibility of the General Contractor. The flooring contractor will not be able to control the work or actions of on-site working persons, or the actions of persons causing damage from setting-up or delivering equipment, furniture, or other items etc. to the site.
.01 Refer to Part F05 - Cleaning and Maintenance for requirements.
.02 Maintenance data and cleaning and finishing instructions shall be provided to the Owner by the manufacturer for each type of bamboo flooring installed.
.01 Refer to Part F05 - Cleaning and Maintenance for requirements.
.02 Maintenance data and cleaning and finishing instructions shall be provided to the Owner by the manufacturer for each type of bamboo flooring installed.