Revision 01- 16 April 2018
AA1-1 General
AA1-2 Products
AA1-3 Execution
AA1-2 Products
AA1-3 Execution
- Refer to Part A16 – Specification Guides before using this specification.
- Use this specification guide when a self-levelling cementitious underlayment is required over substrate surfaces to provide an acceptable surface for the installation of NFCA finish flooring materials. Other finish flooring materials (e.g. tile and terrazzo) may have different requirements. Note: Acceptable substrate surfaces must be verified by underlayment manufacturer before specifying this type of underlayment material.
- If a gypsum based underlayment is required use Section 03 54 12.
- This Section number (03 54 15) including Section references noted under Related Work Specified Elsewhere is based on the MasterFormat 2016 Section numbering system. It must be noted however that text numbering in NFCA specifications does not comply with PageFormat numbering system.
- This specification is directed to the (General) Contractor (or Construction Manager). Where there is no General Contractor substitute the term Flooring Contractor.
- Review all requirements noted herein and carefully choose those that meet project requirements. The Specifier must choose one item from a series of items surrounded with [ .. ] brackets such as [Contractor] [Construction Manager] [Consultant] and delete the remainder. Items surrounded with (. ) brackets are additional information / comments that should be left in the specification.
- Adding or deleting items in this specification must be done with care and caution. The onus of doing so rests with the Specifier who must have a complete and thorough understanding of what is required. Where additional information must be added to this specification the Specifier must ensure that such information is not only accurate but also in accordance with NFCA requirements. Because of the above noted requirements NFCA strongly recommends that this specification be edited by a qualified specification writer. Refer to Part A16 - Specification Guides, 1.02.
- This specification is for the most part not set-up with auto-numbering. Any changes (additions or deletions) therefore means that the specifier will have to re-number / re-space following items to suit.
- Revise header and footer to suit project requirements. As a suggestion insert project name particulars on left side of header and consultant name on bottom left and issue date (and revision date if the project specification is revised) on bottom right of the footer.
- Remove these Preface notes and all Spec Notes after editing this specification for a project.
.01 Description:
.01 Description:
- This article (1.1) is not intended to scope cementitious underlayment work but to serve as a general description. The onus of defining the extent of this section of Work remains with the Contractor, who will ensure that the area / scope of responsibility of any particular Subcontractor / supplier is set out in full detail when awarding the contract for this work. The extent of this section of Work is also governed by the limits of local trade agreements and conditions. This article should be used in conjunction with Related Work.
- This work shall be provided by the General Contractor or by the flooring contractor under a separate contract or separate price. Refer to Part A12 - Substrate Preparation, Part A13 - Patching and Filling, and Part A16 - Specification Guides for information.
- The concrete or wood floor structure below cementitious underlayments shall be designed so that deflection does not exceed L/360 live or dead load. Certain floor coverings, such as marble, limestone, travertine and wood, may have more restrictive deflection limits.
- All substrate materials and conditions shall be acceptable to underlayment manufacturer. Consultant shall review same prior to writing / issuing underlayment specifications before issuing for bidding.
1 Section Includes: All labour, materials, equipment, and services to supply and install a self-levelling, non-shrinking, fully bonded, pre-blended / engineered cementitious underlayment over acceptable substrate surfaces, as required to achieve an acceptable flat and level, crack-resistant surface suitable for the installation of finish flooring materials by others. The use of gypsum based underlayment products is not acceptable.
.2 The provision of cementitious underlayment shall be based on a Fixed Price for the installation of 10 mm (3/8”) of underlayment and a Unit Price 035415-U1 for each additional cubic metre of underlayment required to accommodate substrate deflection and other irregularities in the substrate surface required to provide a suitable flat/level surface for the application of specified flooring materials. |
SPEC NOTE: Re above - Refer to Part A16 - Specification Guides for information. Note that such Unit Pricing is indicated using the Section number as an aid to listing such pricing in a numerical order on the Bid Form. Specifiers may choose an alternate method.
SPEC NOTE: Use the following items .3 and .4 only as required. Clauses may be revised to suit specification and/or form of Contract conditions as required.
SPEC NOTE: Use the following items .3 and .4 only as required. Clauses may be revised to suit specification and/or form of Contract conditions as required.
This Section along with the drawings forms part of the Contract and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts.
.4 Division 00 - Procurement and Contracting Requirements and Division 01 - General Requirements form an integral part of this Section of Work. .5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere: shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: |
SPEC NOTE: This lists work related to this section but not to be included as part of this section. Delete, revise, or add to example sections listed below as required. Coordinate items with other Sections of Work in the Project Manual. This is not a comprehensive list. Refer to CSC MasterFormat for up-to-date Section numbers and amend as required and Guide specifications for numbers. All relevant Sections should be noted under each Division
Section 02 40 00 Demolition / Alterations (removal / disposal of existing floor finishes)
Section 02 42 10 Removal of Existing Flooring Section 02 82 00 Facility Remediation (hazardous material removal) Section 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete (slab finishes) Section 06 10 00 Rough Carpentry (floor framing and sheathing) Section 07 92 00 Caulking and Sealants Section 07 95 00 Expansion Joints (floors) Section 09 62 19 Laminate Flooring Section 09 64 00 Hardwood Flooring Section 09 65 00 Resilient Flooring Section 09 68 00 Carpet Flooring Division 23 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (floor grilles, etc.) Division 26 Electrical (floor outlets, floor boxes, site grounding, etc.) |
1.2 Reference Standards:
.1 The latest applicable edition of the Floor Covering Reference and Specification Manual issued by the National Floor Covering Association of Canada (NFCA) shall govern all materials and workmanship. Whenever reference is made within this specification to NFCA requirements it shall mean, as a minimum, those standards and requirements noted in the NFCA Reference and Specification Manual.
.2 The latest applicable edition of the following additional reference standards shall also govern all materials and installation work specified herein as applicable: |
CAN/CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction.
CAN/CSA A23.2, Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete. ASTM C109/C109M, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (using 50 mm (2”) Cube Specimens). ASTM C150/C150M, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. ASTM C219, Standard Terminology Relating to Hydraulic Cement. ASTM C260/C260M-10a, Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. ASTM C348, Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars. ASTM C349, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars (Using Portions of Prisms Broken in Flexure). ASTM C494/C494M, Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. ASTM C595/C595M, Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements. ASTM C1708/C1708M, Standard Test Methods for Self-leveling Mortars Containing Hydraulic Cements. ASTM E1155, Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers. ASTM F710, Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. ASTM F2873, Standard Practice for the Installation of Self-Leveling Underlayment and the Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Resilient Flooring. ASTM F3191, Standard Practice for Field Determination of Substrate Water Absorption (Porosity) for Substrates to Receive Resilient Flooring. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). |
SPEC NOTE: When cementitious underlayment is a component of a fire rated and/or an acoustical rated assembly over wood subfloor assemblies include the following reference standards.
For fire rated floor assemblies:
For fire rated floor assemblies:
CAN/ULC S102-10, Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies.
For acoustical rated floor assemblies: ASTM E90-09, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements. ASTM E336, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Attenuation between Rooms in Buildings (for Field Sound Transmission Class (F-STC). ASTM E492 e1, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine (for Impact Insulation Class (IIC). ASTM E1007, Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Tapping Machine Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support Structures (for Field Impact Insulation Class (F-IIC). ASTM E2179, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Effectiveness of Floor Coverings in Reducing Impact Sound Transmission Through Concrete Floors. |
1.3 Design Criteria:
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.5 Site Meeting:
1. Before installing cementitious underlayment on site, the General Contractor, underlayment placing and finishing Subcontractor, finish flooring Subcontractor, and the Consultant shall meet to discuss the following items:
a) Review of substrate types, compatibility, substrate moisture testing, texture/concrete surface profile (CSP), surface porosity, and flatness as well as environmental requirements for installation of cementitious underlayment.
.i Note that the correction of unsuitable environmental and substrate conditions shall be at the expense of the General Contractor and shall be corrected before cementitious underlayment installation may proceed.
.ii Note the correction of unsuitable cementitious underlayment conditions shall be at the expense of the Cementitious Underlayment Contractor and shall be corrected before flooring installation may proceed. |
b) Substrate suitability in regards to flatness and levelness shall be as tested in accordance with ASTM E1155.
c) Substrate suitability in regards to porosity requirements shall be as tested in accordance with ASTM F3191, particularly when fly ash concrete is used. If the surface is not porous enough to provide bonding of cementitious material it will require abrading (grinding or shot blasting) to achieve bonding of the cementitious underlayment. d) Review of finishing requirements to achieve required flatness / levelness and surface requirements for finish flooring as noted herein including localized slopes to floor drains and trenches. Unless otherwise noted the surface profile shall be equivalent to: .i CSP 3 for concrete substrate surfaces with cementitious underlayment above. .ii CSP 2 for cementitious underlayment surfaces. e) Review of minimum and maximum thickness of cementitious underlayment that can be installed, noting that unacceptable substrate levels shall be corrected as noted above. f) Provision of written test results. g) Review of flooring finishes by others and their installation requirements. h) Requirements for installation of cementitious underlayment over radiant heating systems when such systems are used. i) Inspection procedures and reports. |
1.6 Material Testing:
.1 Provide samples of cementitious underlayment for testing purposes. This shall consist of taking an entire unopened bag of the product being installed to an independent testing facility to perform strength testing in accordance with ASTM C348, ASTM C349, and ASTM C109 / modified: air-cure only. There are no in-situ test procedures for the evaluation of compressive strength.
.2 If any cementitious underlayment is not in accordance with these specifications or the noted reference standards, the material shall be removed and replaced with material meeting requirements at no cost to Owner. The decision of the Consultant in this regard shall be final and binding upon the parties to the Contract. |
1.7 Submittals:
.1 All submittals shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 30 00.
.2 Submit letter of certification from supplier of cementitious underlayment verifying compliance to design requirements specified herein, stating strengths and composition. |
SPEC NOTE: Use the following if required by Consultant.
1.8 Mock-Up:
.1 Provide a mock-up of underlayment installation in a location designated by the Consultant for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship.
.2 Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship is approved by the Consultant. .3 If required, refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work. |
1.9 Product Delivery, Handling, and Storage:
.1 Deliver, store, handle, and mix all cementitious underlayment materials in strict accordance with manufacturers written requirements using packaged materials labeled with product identification, manufacturer, batch number, and shelf life.
.2 Protect all materials from extreme temperatures and moisture and protect all liquids from freezing. .3 Deliver, handle, and place all pre-mixed materials in strict accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. |
2.2 Cementitious Underlayment Mix:
.1 Provide plant mixed or site mixed underlayment in strict accordance with 1.3 Design Requirements using quantities, water, and mixer / paddles required by manufacturer to obtain a lump-free mixture. Unless otherwise approved by the manufacturer do not over mix, slake, let stand, or re-temper.
.2 Use mix within time limits and conditions established by the manufacturer. .3 For pump installations mix cementitious underlayment using manufacturer’s recommended pump ensuring not to over-water mix. .5 Check consistency of cementitious underlayment installed on substrate to ensure a uniform distribution of sand and aggregate at both the top surface and bottom of the pour. If settling is occurring, reduce the water amount and recheck. Conditions during the installation, such as variations in water, powder, substrate, and ambient temperature, require that the water setting be monitored and adjusted carefully to avoid over-watering. |
3.1 Preparation:
3.1 Preparation:
SPEC NOTE: Verify substrate compatibility. Unless otherwise pre-approved by the product manufacturer cementitious underlayment should not be used over hardwood flooring, masonite, chipboard, flakeboard, presswood, asbestos board, lauan plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), metal, glass, plastic or other similarly unstable substrates or gypsum based levelers.
3.2 Installation:
3.3 Protection: